Today is my second day to be a(an) English teacher, but I did it not well last class. So how to do it and is there any skills to manage the class.
First, you just want to finish the mission or duty whatever you called it or you want to improve their lives or help to change their lives? You have to think about it what results are you looking for at the end.
If you just want to finish the Job, simply, just follow the paperwork and no matter what are they doing during their class time, play the phone, sleeping, love letters, secrets Note transfer….. and after the education when time past you will no longer in their memories as you were never existed, how about that? Are you happy with that? If you do then here is your terminal station, pack up your shits and go away my friend! What I'm saying next is meanless to you.
Second, when I was a pupil at grade 3 class, after 20 years passed, I'm still remember it as yesterday, our math teacher Miss Wang give us one last question before the class off ( same like there are 20 sheep and 30 cattle with 68 Chickens and Ducks, asked for how old is the captain), of course we are so actively to gave our answers and ideas but no one is right, at last, Miss Wang said: how could you get the answer when that question already wrong, there is no answer for that, tell you guys this mean is don't trust with 100% right in any paper books or someone's spoken, you guys have to thinking on your own way, ask yourself more than why.(almost like that) and did you know how is my feeling? Just like someone put the Nuclear bomb in your mind and booooooooooom!!!
3rd, As a good teacher should know the only truth is: in any universe, there is no student can't be taught only the teacher don't know how to teach at or don't know which one is the right way to lead.
And something should not be forgotten but you can't learn it from the book.
About English
As a Chinese, I had an English trauma just as many people were or are or will experience, someone I wouldn't say her's name who treat me like piece of shit! It's not just about the English teacher, like some people say: I'm going to save the world, what? Save the world? No, you are just save yourself, save your ass, our planet is fine, but the people is Fucked! People do terrible things in this world, that's the truth. Now, I'm 30 years old, I learn English on my own way since 2018 Nov started nothing, until now, I'm still didn't learn any English grammars or cram any rules or words. So as you can see my posting is not perfect but it's not good enough to stop you to understand.
You can't save me, but you can save them, you still have choice, it's not too late for you.
Don't let that corrupt system spoil you, and promise me you won't hurt any students souls even just one hair. Protect them, proud of them, cherish them as they will die before they will forget about you. Keep the balance is very important In any good relationships, you think you are the teacher and they are student but sometimes they might shake you up and remind you something you lost in long time ago.
At last, if you are listening to Chinese to learn English then you speaking will get nowhere, and if you are an English teacher trying to teach your students English through the Chinese then your students listening will get nowhere.
Recommend to you some classic Movies, it might help or inspire you, and you could share it with your students in class.
Life is short, Death is sure, nothing more.
1.Scent of a Woman (闻香识女人)
2.Good will Hunting (心灵捕手)
3.Downton Abbey (唐顿庄园)British Series TV
4.Birigyaru (katakana/垫底辣妹)from Japan
5.Braveheart (勇敢的心)
In Time (时间规划局)
The Greatest Showman(马戏之王)PS: singing the English song also a good way to learn English.
The Dark Knight Trilogy by Christopher Nolan(诺兰版蝙蝠侠黑暗骑士三部曲)
Why do we fall Sir? So That's we can learn how to pick ourselves up.
- TENET(信条)
We all believe we'd run into the Burning Building but until you feel that heat, you will never know.
People only cared and focused on what has happened, but real threats is that bomb didn't go off yet.
V for Vendetta (V字仇杀队)
Thema and Louise (末路狂花)
Le Fabuleux destin d’Amélie Poulain / Amelie (天使爱美丽)
A Rainy Day in New York (纽约的一个雨天)
15.CoCo (寻梦环游记)
Soul (心灵奇旅)
The Legend of 1900 (海上钢琴师)

PS:Find our enemies and execute them once for all!